Friday, June 18, 2010

Carl Johansen

Mr. Carl Johansen-

"If Sherry Marshall & Company" are making irrational decisions "based purely upon spite and not good business judgement" then why don't you along with Trish Lubold run for office next year so there can be rational and non-spiteful decisions made? I implore you!

I for one would never sit down and have coffee with you, not because I fear you but I fear we would never have a rational conversation because I have only observed irrational behavior when it comes to anything that goes against what seems to be the opinion of the other blog.

Sandwich is not in trouble because of "Sherry Marshall & Company." Sandwich is in a much better place because there are four women who are willing to go against the negative and harsh words put forth on this blog and the people who show up to the meetings and do what is right for not only the students but the town and I encourage them to keep moving forward doing the right thing because in the end good always wins!

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